
Excursion "Press in Priekule in the 19th - 20th centuries"

It takes place from May to October. During the tour you are offered to see the former printing houses in Priekulė, Drukiai, Gropiškiai. Visitors learn about the development of the press in Priekule in the 19th-20th centuries, visit graves and cemeteries where famous printers are buried.

Intended for: 5th - 12th grade students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Venue: Museum of the History of Freedom Fights and Exile (Klaipėdos St. 29, Priekulė)

Excursion "Old Priekule"

Takes place from May to October. During the tour, we offer you to visit the historic city center of Priekulė where the old Evangelical Lutheran Church stood and there was a market square and several taverns were invited to come in and the carriages were roaring. The history of the development of this small town in Minor Lithuania for almost six centuries is briefly told. Visitors see authentic buildings of old architecture and a legend about the ghost of the landlord Puserna is told at the lonely stone tombstone...

Intended for: 5th - 12th grade students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Venue: Museum of the History of Freedom Fights and Exile (Klaipėdos St. 29, Priekulė)

Excursion "Exile and Resistance in Klaipeda District"

During the sightseeing tour, visitors listen to a story about the struggles of freedom and deportation in the Klaipėda region. In the indoor exposition you will see rare, original exhibits: a cross made of bread, fish-bone sewn products, various dishes, a collection of copper ore, etc. Then they will go down to the basement, where there was a prison cell at the security headquarters. The outdoor exposition has a unique opportunity to board a real exile wagon, stay in a partisan bunker replica.

Intended for: 5th - 12th grade students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Venue: Museum of the History of Freedom Fights and Exile (Klaipėdos St. 29, Priekulė)

Documentary screening

"Partisan War in Lithuania in 1944-1954"

Documentary partisan war in Lithuania in 1944-1953 outline.

After the film, you can visit indoor and outdoor expositions, hear a short story about resistance in the Klaipeda region, see authentic exhibits, a prison cell, a partisan memorial and places of contempt ...

"Ice Children"

The film introduces the experiences and fates of children deported or born in exile from the Baltic States during the years of Soviet terror. The filmmakers were interested in how the deportation affected the worldview of the children who experienced it and their formation of the system of humanistic values and national identity, which later determined the active position of the former deportees in seeking and restoring the independence of the Baltic States.

After the film you will be offered a short tour of the exile hall and a story telling about exile and an inspection of authentic exhibits.

Intended for: 5th - 12th grade students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Venue: Museum of the History of Freedom Fights and Exile (Klaipėdos St. 29, Priekulė)

Lithuanian interwar cartography

During the session, the historical material (Lithuanian Maps Collection) accumulated by Jurgis Šaulys the signatory of the Lithuanian Act of Independence in the museum funds is used. The session consists of three parts:

  1. Historical overview - about the period, personalities, cartography;
  2. Map overview;
  3. Practical activity, examining the symbols of maps and even drawing a map.

Intended for: 5th - 12th grade students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Venue: Museum of the History of Freedom Fights and Exile (Klaipėda St. 29, Priekulė)

"I wrote the book, I wrote"

During the education, students are told about exile correspondence and are given the opportunity to view authentic examples of it.

During the practical task, the participants have chosen a writing instrument - a feather pen or a pencil and are asked to write a letter to a friend or relative in Lithuania. A special stamp is placed.

Intended for: 5th - 12th grade students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Venue: Museum of the History of Freedom Fights and Exile (Klaipėdos St. 29, Priekulė)

Journey in time

This is an educational role-playing game. During the session, students change into XX century clothes, everyone is given a name - this is how the participants move to 1939, when Nazi Germany annexed the Klaipėda region. In this education, the students play the inhabitants of Dreverna. While performing household chores in the shipyard, communicate and analyze the period of that time in the Klaipėda region.

Intended for: 1 - 12 grade students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Location: J. Gižas ethnographic homestead (Žvejų st. 13, Dreverna)

Our weather vane

During the session you will get acquainted with the history of weather vanes, their purpose, signs of coastal settlements and other important features.

In the practical part, you will construct and paint a weather vane from wooden details and apply it to your region, thus giving meaning to the acquired historical knowledge.

While the paint dries, you will visit the Dreverna small boat harbor, the Curonian Lagoon, climb the review tower and inspect the Dreverna windmill square. You will take the weather vane you created for memory.

Intended for: students and adults in grades 1 - 12.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Location: J. Gižas ethnographic homestead (Žvejų st. 13, Dreverna)

About the Kuren and other peculiarities of the seacoast

During the session you will get acquainted with the exposition of the museum, the personality of the shipbuilder Jonas Gižas, the traditions of shipbuilding and fishing.

 The next session will transfer you to the cinema corner, where you will watch a short documentary "Kurėnas".  After the review, a quiz takes place and the winners are awarded.

Intended for: 1 - 12 grade students, adults.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Location: J. Gižas ethnographic homestead (Žvejų st. 13, Dreverna)

Make a fish

Education is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. During the theoretical session you will get acquainted with the Curonian Lagoon - the largest freshwater body of water in Lithuania, once with the biggest fish population. You will get to know the fish of the lagoon, the types of fishing sails, the peculiarities of fishing in the course of history. You will understand how human economic activities affect fish stocks in the lagoon. You will learn how fishing has been regulated in the past and now. You will also learn the fish names that are used by the locals.

In the practical part of the education, you will shape a fish living in the lagoon from a given piece of modelling clay. While the artefacts are drying in the oven, you will walk to the Dreverna small ship port, and admire the Curonian Lagoon and the dunes of the Curonian Spit from the observation tower. In the port you will see a restored ancient ship of the Curonian Lagoon - a passenger ship. You will bring the finished fish for memory.

For: students and adults.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Location: J. Gižas ethnographic homestead (Žvejų st. 13, Dreverna)

My tree of the world

The tree of the world is the axis of the world, connecting the earth, the sky and the underworld. This tree connects the living and the dead, past, present and future. It is a symbol of wisdom, mystery, immortality. It reflects the perception of the world of our ancestors. The tree exists in folk songs and art. It is an important part of the ancient Lithuanian heritage.

During the education, the participants hear a story about the depiction of the world's tree in national fabric patterns and household tools. Exhibits and photos depicting the tree of the world are displayed.

During the practical task, each participant has the opportunity to create a picture or a book tab from birch.

Intended for: 1 - 9th grade students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Location: Agluonėnai ethnographic homestead (Aukštujų st. 5A, Agluonėnai)

Wool journey and felting

Education is intended for children (from third grade students) and adults. During the education you will get acquainted with the tools used for cutting, combing, spinning and twisting wool. Participants will have the opportunity to sew, comb and spin wool. In the second part of the education: a colorful ball for needles or a sponge which is felted using the methods of wet and dry felting.

The educational part "From the sheep to the sock" is intended for kindergarten and first, second grade students.

Education Outreach. The children are shown photos of sheep, told how the shepherds called the sheep, how to cut the coat off and what kind of colour the sheep can be. Wool types, wool combing, shearing are all demonstrated. Children are given wool to put together a sheep puzzle, everyone has a turn. At the end of the education, the children remove the sponge by the process of wet felting.

Intended for: adults and older students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Location: Agluonėnai ethnographic homestead (Klojimo str. 9, Agluonėnai)

The way of life of ancient Lithuanians

Education for older school children and adults. During the education, the peculiarity of Minor Lithuania is introduced by learning about the way of life of Lithuanians, the history of I. Kant's origin. Participants will have the opportunity to try spinning in a circle, winding ropes, linseed, reading Prussian texts in Gothic font, writing with a goose feather, knitting with their fingers, and performing the task "Touch, sniff, taste". In addition, the participants of the education will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the work of a museologist, his specifics.

In education, the tasks are different, the participants will not be bored: they guess the meanings of Lithuanian words, encrypt the Gothic text, try to determine the value of the exhibit, search the exhibit according to the card index, decode the lock according to the questions, where a surprise awaits. Thus, the participants get acquainted with the way of life in Minor Lithuania (which is included in the general curriculum of the subject of history in grades 9-11), and adults gain new experiences.

For: 9-12 grade students and adults.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Location: Agluonėnai ethnographic homestead (Klojimo str. 9, Agluonėnai)

Tame the fairy tale

During the educational session, a Lithuanian magical fairy tale is followed, during which the students feel like the characters of the fairy tale, they have to pass trials, make a mascot, taste a drink of strength, think of riddles. Tracking a fairy tale is accompanied by a song, games.

While making a mascot, children get acquainted with the symbolism of the Baltics and their meanings. Participating in fairy tale tasks develops rhythmic skills, attentiveness, gets you acquainted with folklore and ancient games. In warm weather, health competence is also developed (a test track is made in the field).

Everyone, participating in the educational activity, takes with them not only a self made mascot, but also a bag full of knowledge and positive energy.

Intended for: 1 - 6th grade students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Location: Agluonėnai ethnographic homestead (Aukštujų st. 5A, Agluonėnai)

Landscaping and garden games

The games of Minor Lithuania and olden lithuanian games as well as the games using naturally made instruments are played on the deck. Part of the program is prepared based on Waldorf pedagogy, which has a healing effect. Natural remedies from nature are used.

Intended for: 1 - 6th grade students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Location: Agluonėnai ethnographic homestead (Klojimo str. 9, Agluonėnai)

Treasure hunt

The participants of this educational activity hear about the treasure in the homestead, which people buried before retreating to Germany, but forgot where they buried it. Treasure hunts are conducted in these parts:

1. Preparing for the treasure hunt. Attentiveness task and tasting of a strength drink.

2. Search for a hidden treasure map.

3. Search for treasure according to the found map.

Intended for: preschool children.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Location: Agluonėnai ethnographic homestead (Klojimo str. 9, Agluonėnai)

The path of light. From balan to oil lamp

Education is for both children and adults. The old lights from the balana to the prime lamp are shown and the lights used in Minor Lithuania are told. In the second part of the education (on request) we make our own lantern and during the Christmas period we make a Christmas toy from natural materials.

Intended for: children and adults of all ages.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Location: Agluonėnai ethnographic homestead (Aukštujų st. 5A, Agluonėnai)

A fairy tale

During this education, the participants are introduced to the works of the authors of Minor Lithuania. Participants have the opportunity to try watercolor casting.

According to the following work by the authors of Minor Lithuania watercolor is poured using the principle “wet on wet”.

Intended for: preschool children.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Location: Agluonėnai ethnographic homestead (Aukštujų st. 5A, Agluonėnai)

Review of historical-documentary films

"History of Lithuania Part I"

This is a film that begins with a short introduction to prehistoric Lithuania. The main attention is paid to the Kingdom of Lithuania and the theme of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the most famous battles, events and personalities are presented. Before watching the film, the participants are given tasks to answer while watching the submitted film.

"Gargždai Jewish Community"

This is a film about the history of the Gargždai Jewish community in the context of European and Lithuanian Jewish history. The leader of the educational lesson, after watching the film, summarizes the information that it presented in the film. After presenting and discussing the topic, a task is assigned: a quiz is organized.

"History of Lithuania Part II"

 A film that presents the history of the period of the Republic of the Two Nations, Tsarist Russia and the 20th century. Lithuanian history.


A  journey in which the Irish poet Gearoid Mac Lochlainn and Lithuanian theater director Albertas Vidžiūnas repeat the 19th century. A road full of dangers for Lithuanian booksellers in the oppression. Traveling through Lithuanian forests and rivers, everyone learns something they did not know about Lithuania.

The creators of this film, while traveling in Lithuania, take a deep look at the essential pillars of national identity, such as language, religion and history. In addition, this film perfectly reveals the beauty of the nature of Lithuania and the architecture of its cities.

For: 6th - 12th grade students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Venue: Educational classes at Gargždai Region Museum (Sodo St. 5, Gargždai)

"Yellow, green, red" - dedicated for March 11th to mention

March 11 is Independence Day, reminiscent of 1990, when for the first time since World War II, the democratically elected Lithuanian parliament declared the end to the 46 years of the second Soviet occupation.

During the educational session, the students are introduced to the significance of March 11 for Lithuania, and once again the most important values for a person are reminded - freedom and independence.

Divided into three teams, students perform the following tasks:

  • Introduction of teams (name, slogan, election of team captain);
  • Illustrating the topic, during this task the teams have to illustrate the topic - "Yellow, green, red".

For: 6th - 12th grade students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Venue: Educational classes at Gargždai Region Museum (Sodo St. 5, Gargždai)

The educational session is scheduled for February 16th. "Signatories of the Act of Independence of Lithuania - Jurgis Šaulys and Antanas Smetona" are mentioned.

The 16th of February is a day that is very significant for every Lithuanian who knows and respects the past of their country. Thus, February 16th in 1918, is crucial to our present and future.

The purpose of this education is to present the date of 1918 February 16th - including the significance of the Act of Independence of Lithuania and two personalities related to the Act, important for Lithuania and Klaipėda district - the first President of the Republic of Lithuania - Antanas Smetonas and the signatory of the Act of Independence -  Jurgis Šaulys, the first diplomat of the Republic of Lithuania.

In order to get to know the historical personalities better and remember the meaning of the February 16th act, the students are divided into two teams - Antanas Smetona and Jurgis Šaulys.

For: 6th - 12th grade students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Venue: Educational classes at Gargždai Region Museum (Sodo St. 5, Gargždai)

The educational session is scheduled for January 13th(day of freedom fighters) to mention.

Every year, on the occasion of January 13, it is customary to remember historical events, to honor those who fought and died for freedom and independence, to look back and to talk about the unity and concentration of the people of that time.

At the same time, the right to independence is a reminder that one can be proud and happy about everyone's efforts to defend and nurture their freedom.

We invite students to remember January 13 - Defenders of Freedom Day and participate in the educational discussion "We have been, we are and will be". Also to get acquainted with the residents of Klaipėda district, who were awarded the January 13 medals and to hear first-hand how they were preparing to defend the most important buildings of Gargždai city in case of real danger.

For: 6th - 12th grade students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Venue: Educational classes at Gargždai Region Museum (Sodo St. 5, Gargždai)

Prominent personalities in the interwar period

During the educational session, students are introduced to the most prominent historical, political and cultural personalities who lived, worked and created during the interwar time period in Lithuania, in the entire Klaipėda region, and who became not only known in their homeland, but also all throughout Europe.

In the practical part, each participant of the session has the opportunity to identify personalities, their work and their thoughts that are expressed in the game "Who is the author".

For: 6th - 12th grade students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Venue: Educational classes at Gargždai Region Museum (Sodo St. 5, Gargždai)

Interwar Gargždai in 1918-1939.

An educational activity that invites students and teachers to move into a historical, unprecedented period of intensive development of the Lithuanian state, to be treated as a unique historical opportunity, which has been successfully used in all social and cultural fields.

The purpose of this activity is to acquaintance the participants with customs activities in interwar Lithuania, how border protection was organized, in this context highlighting the status and significance of Gargždai customs in the wider Lithuanian context. Also, the education system in interwar Lithuania and Gargždai, how work was organized, how schools were divided, who managed schools etc. are presented.

After Lithuania was declared as an independent state in 1918, one of the important tasks became the organization of the Lithuanian Post. It is an important institution because knowledge was passed on every month, salaries were paid, congratulations were sent. In this context, students are introduced to the interwar Lithuanian postal system, including Gargždai Post Office, the people who worked in it, and their normal workday.

Each student who participated in the educational session will pick up a postcard with a picture of Gargždai between the wars and receive a certificate of graduation from the primary school - a schedule.

For: 6th - 12th grade students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Venue: Educational classes at Gargždai Region Museum (Sodo St. 5, Gargždai)

Review of the documentary "Grandpa and Grandma Lived".

This is a documentary-animated film about the life story of director Giedrė Beinorytė's grandparents who survived exile in Siberia.

The film was created using photographs from a personal archive with animated and film inserts. The story is told interactively by a little girl who understands and imagines the events of that year from her own perspective.

After reviewing the film, participants are invited to complete a practical task.

Intended for: 1 - 5th grade students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Venue: Educational classes at Gargždai Region Museum (Sodo St. 5, Gargždai)

Interwar clothing

During the session, visitors are introduced to the prevailing clothing (fashion) trends in Europe, Lithuania and Gargždai during the interwar period.

After getting acquainted with interwar fashion, the participants in the session are invited to make a model of interwar clothing - a paper suit or an accessory from beads, ribbons, feathers, etc.

Intended for: 1 - 5th grade students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Venue: Educational classes at Gargždai Region Museum (Sodo St. 5, Gargždai)

Journey in time

This is an educational activity, during which the development of the history of Gargždai is told from the first days. Students perform practical tasks:

1. "A journey": during which there is a tour of Gargždai without leaving the museum. Students are asked to close their eyes and imagine that they are walking in the streets of the old Gargždai, and when they are "stopped", they are asked to guess where in the city or what object they "came to".

2. After the "journey", the students solve a crossword puzzle with questions about the history of Gargždai.

Intended for: 1 - 5th grade students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Venue: Educational classes at Gargždai Region Museum (Sodo St. 5, Gargždai)

Coat of arms of Gargždai town

During the education, students are introduced to the meaning and symbolism of coats of arms, learn what the coats of arms of the state, the president, districts and cities look like and what they mean. The coat of arms of the city of Gargždai and its history are examined in more detail.

The participants of the activity keep in memory their work - a copy of the coat of arms of the city of Gargždai.

Intended for: 1 - 5th grade students.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Venue: Educational classes at Gargždai Region Museum (Sodo St. 5, Gargždai)

Explore the museum

During the classes, children are introduced to the Gargždai Region Museum, its purpose, activities, and they will get the opportunity to see the oldest exhibits kept in the museum funds and hear the history and purpose of their origin.

After the theoretical part, a practical task is performed - a copy of the exhibit is drawn or glued from plasticine.

Intended for: preschool children.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Venue: Educational classes at Gargždai Region Museum (Sodo St. 5, Gargždai)

Interwar Lithuanian children 's toys

Participants are introduced to the toys that Lithuanian children had during the interwar period, paying attention to the Samogitian region, where the first toy production centers, potters and wood carvers appeared, mostly god workers molded and carved figurine whistles, animal-shaped toys, continuing old home-made toys.

Children have the opportunity to make a copy of the toy from that time period themselves.

Intended for: preschool children.

Duration of the session: 45 min.

Venue: Educational classes at Gargždai Region Museum (Sodo St. 5, Gargždai)

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